John still enjoys Hockey
Debbie and John enjoy Music
Here is the Imperials song “Water Grave” that our worship team sang at a baptismal service at Zion Church.
This is a video of John singing “I Am What I Am” at Castor Missionary Church in 1991. Debbie is accompanying him on the piano.
John also plays at Video Editing
Here is a video he created from Psalm 100.
The song is from “All People That On Earth Do Dwell” which was written in the mid 1500’s and taken from Psalm 100.
Here is an updated version.
For more videos you can go to John`s Sermons page where you can find some videos of John preaching, and some videos of the worship team he led at Zion Church in Didsbury.
Westside Weekly
Over the years John has written articles for local newspapers. Here you can find some articles he wrote for the Westside Weekly while living in Westbank (now West Kelowna).